w co zainwestować pieniądze

Partner area



in our system


Read and accept

terms and conditions of the partner program. Print the agreement and send us a signed scan.


After sending the scan of agreement to us

you will already be able to recommend us to investors and earn (if the matter is urgent you can conditionally receive an instant access to the system, without sending the scan of agreement).
Within 14 days or before payment of the first commission you must send us the signed original partner agreement.


For each recommended person

(or company) which will invest in Europpa at least 5 000 PLN, you will receive 2% of the investment amount. You will receive profits from any invested amount for 6 consecutive months.

If you have any questions please contact us, we are at your disposal from Monday to Friday at 9.00am - 5.00pm.


You can recommend us to not only friends, but also more widely on the Internet, e.g. on FB. Partner Program can become a significant source of your income! Think about it :)

Please visit "Questions and Answers", e-mall or call us. Terms of Europpa platform use are in detail described in the regulations

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